Technical University of Cluj-Napoca is part of The European Society for Engineering Education

Starting April 2023, the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca is part of The European Society for Engineering Education -SEFI-, which is the largest network of engineering education institutions and educators in Europe. It is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) established in Belgium in 1973. SEFI’s aims and objectives are to contribute to the development and to the improvement of engineering education in Europe, to reinforce  the position of the engineering professionals in society, to provide services to our members, to promote information about engineering education and improve communication and exchanges between teachers, researchers and student, to develop co-operation between educational engineering institutions and establishments of higher technical education, to promote co-operation between industry and engineering education actors, to be a link between our members and international organizations, and to promote the European dimension in higher engineering education.

SEFI serves as a European Forum to its members, composed of institutions of higher engineering education, academic staff and teachers, students, related associations, and companies in 47 countries.

The objectives of SEFI are encountered through a series of activities such as the Annual Conferences, Ad hoc seminars and workshops organised by SEFI’s special interest groups, Taskforces on specific topics, the organization of the European Engineering Deans Conventions, Publications (incl. the European Journal of Engineering Education), European projects, Position papers…

A large part of SEFI’s activities is dedicated to the cooperation with other major European associations and international bodies the European Commission, the UNESCO, the Council of Europe, or the OECD.

More information on activities, publications etc: HERE

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