Studenți Internaționali

Testimonial, Maksat Ilmyradoy, Turkmenistan

Studenții internaționali reprezintă o componentă deosebit de importantă în strategia de internaționalizare a universităților.

Universităţile înţeleg că acomodarea într-o ţară nouă poate fi mai dificilă la început, aşa că studenţii care vor să urmeze cursurile acestora, sunt sprijiniți pe toate planurile pentru a se obişnui cât mai repede cu noua lor viaţă. Una dintre primele provocări pe care trebuie să le depăşească tinerii care vin la studii in România, este cea a adaptării. De aceea, universităţile au dezvoltat multe modalităţi de a-i ajuta pe aceştia şi de-ai sprijini în procesul de integrare. Pe parcursul articolelor viitoare, vom surpinde testimoniale ale studenților internaționali din cadrul universității noastre, care au fost de acord să vorbească despre modul în care au făcut alegerea de a studia la UTCN și cum se simt în comunitatea Clujului academic.

My name is Maksat Ilmyradov I am from Turkmenistan and I study at Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication, and Information Technology, at TUCN.

What made you decide to study at a university in Romania?

I dreamed about studying abroad, finding new opportunities, visiting other countries, being familiar with different cultures and so on. In my country, we have the opportunity to study in some other countries such as  Romania, Belarus, China, Hungary. First, I tried to China but didn’t pass in exam, then I tried to Romania, and I made it.

When I applied to Romania, I only chose my specialization, I didn’t choose which city and what university I would study. And here I am.

Before being a student in Cluj-Napoca, did you know anything about Cluj-Napoca?

No, I didn’t know anything at all. Then when I passed the exam, I started searching information when I found out that Cluj-Napoca is unofficial capital of Transylvania, and I also read some articles about Cluj-Napoca, history of city and check out some pictures of it.

How did you get along with the professors?

Getting along with professors it is not difficult, they are kind and hospitable. For them also curious how I get here or wanted to know about my country. And some professors they did more than just teaching. I mean they are available for student’s questions and explain, I think without their help I couldn’t be here.. I really like what they are doing.

Yes, at the beginning, I had some problems on understanding Romanian, but then, with hard work, I got used to it. About teaching style, I haven’t got any problem. But it can be improved.

How have you integrated into the community here and how have you been treated by your colleagues within the preparatory year?

I was lucky to come in Cluj-Napoca to study, because here most Romanians are friendly and hospitable. And there are a lot of international students. I have not had any problem with community.

Within the preparatory year, most of my colleagues was from my country and with others international students we created a friendship. As an international student, it better to have friends and colleagues even if they are not from your country.

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